Calle Victoria Subercaseaux

This street border the Santa Lucia hill for its eastern side, and the buildings located on it, they have the characteristic urban stamped of the Lastarria neighborhood, where survive curve streets, which coincide with the boundaries of the colonial land and a lovely wooded environment.

Victoria Subercaseaux was the wife of the mayor of Santiago, Benjamín Vicuña Mackenna, who between 1872 and 1875 executed important urban works in the capital, as the transformation of the Santa Lucia hill in a public park.

When she was widowed, Victoria Subercaseaux came to live in a modest house in Villavicencio street in the same Lastarria neighborhood. She became in another famous resident of a sector that during the twentieth century, attracted the interest of writers, artists and architects to live and establish their workshops.

In 1931 and during the celebration of the centenary of Vicuña Mackenna, the Municipality of Santiago gave to this short street the name of Victoria Subercaseaux.

Photography. Lorena Bruna, Tour Guide

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