Willimapu Gastronomía Ancestral


2220 Víctor Manuel  St.

Galpón 1 Persa Víctor Manuel

Franklin neigborhood


Saturdays and Sundays, from 09:00 a.m. to 06:00 p.m.


+56 9 84976269




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Live the experience of enjoying authentic flavors from the south of Chile, with this restaurant, promoted by a Williche family, from the Island of Tenglo in Region X.

The gastronomic heritage and experience allow them to configure a menu where breakfast preparations stand out, such as Kneaded bread with eggs from Mapuche “kollonka- ketro” chickens  or Katutos (wheat bread) stuffed with jams or honey, accompanied by an aromatic wheat coffee or of maqui.

And if it’s about lunch, a great option is the Caldillo de Congrio, the Casserole of Lamb and why not, a fish sandwich, made with bread and homemade pickles.

Without a doubt, with Willimapu Gastronomía Ancestral. something from the south stayed in Santiago.

Víctor Manuel, 2220, Santiago.

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