Donde Zacarías


Av Alameda Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 1602


Lunes y martes, de 08:00 a 23:00 horas

Miércoles, jueves y sábado, de 08:00 a 00:00 horas

Viernes, de 08:00 a 02:00 horas


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You will find located on the busiest avenue in the city the restaurant called “Donde Zacarías” an iconic joint of Santiago with well over thirty years of gastronomic tradition.

This joint is known for its variety of sandwiches, such as the typical Chilean Completos, Barros Luco and Chacarero, but is also known for the very own special dishes of its owner, Mr. Zacarías Alarcón. Among them, one of the most famous ones is the “Barros Jara”, which honors the national football player Gonzalo Jara, and that has beef slices of sirloin tip, cheese, longaniza and mushrooms. The “Camionero”, on Marraqueta bread with beef, golden onion, two fried eggs and French fries, and the “Te lo Cedo”, honoring a journalist called Rodrigo Sepulveda, said sandwich
has sirloin tip slices, cheese, mushrooms and red bell pepper.

Mr. Zacarías also welcomes his dinner guests with typical Chilean dishes as options, which are known for their huge portions, such as Lomo a lo pobre, Pechuga grille, Cazuela (stew), Pescado frito (fried fish), Humitas, Carne mechada (shredded beef) and Costillar (Rack) and more.

And, of course, you can always add drinks and cocktails, such as Pisco Sour, Malt, Chilean craft beers, the
chef’s specialty, “Mojito Sabor” that also has mango, raspberry, berries and passion fruit.

Avenida Alameda Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins, 1602, Santiago.

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